Roadie - Ch Supernatural The Road Ahead
Roadie. He is red with a black mask. A fantastic young dog. Solid all ways: temperement, conformation, movement and just a Fun dog!
We are very excited about this dogs potential. He finished at just 9 months old with back to back 5 point majors at the Northwest Cardigan Welsh Corgi Fanciers Regional Show. The next day as a Champion he was Best Of Breed over a large entry.
2022 CWCCA National show Roadie was Best Red Dog in Megan. IABCA Best In Show 2022.
Roadie has been DNA tested DM Clear. Ee, Fluff carrier. OFA Prelim Good hips, Elbows Normal.
We hope for puppies sired by Roadie in 2022. He is available for breeding to approved bitchs.
Trooper - Ch Aurigan Mantle The Highlander
Trooper - Ch Aurigan Mantle The Highlander
PRA Clear through parentage
DM Clear, Fluff Carrier, Ee from DNA testing
OFA Good
Available for breeding, contact Dayl at the Contact page.
Trooper lives with Pam in Oregon. He is also a trained and approved Therapy Dog
Trooper is the sire of Fiona, you can find Fiona on this webpage.